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12 But of spiritual things, brethren, I will not that ye not know [I will not you to unknow].

For ye know, that when ye were heathen men, how ye were led going to dumb maumets. [Soothly ye know, for when ye were heathen men, as ye were led going to dumb simulacra.]

Therefore I make known to you, that no man speaking in the Spirit of God, saith parting from Jesus; and no man may say the Lord Jesus [is], but in the Holy Ghost.

And diverse graces there be, but it is all one Spirit [but the same Spirit is];

and diverse services there be, but it is all one Lord; [and partings of servings be, but the same Lord is;]

and diverse workings there be, but it is all one God [and partings of workings be, but the same God is], that worketh all things in all things.

And to each man the showing of Spirit is given to profit.

And the word of wisdom is given to one by Spirit [To another forsooth by Spirit the word of wisdom is given]; to another the word of knowing, by the same Spirit;

faith to another, in the same Spirit; to another, grace of healings[a], in one Spirit;

10 to another, the working of works of power; to another, prophecy; to another, very knowing of spirits; to another, kinds of languages; to another, expounding of words. [to another, the working of virtues; to another, prophecy; to another, discretion, or very knowing, of spirits; to another, kinds of tongues, or languages; to another, interpreting, or expounding, of words.]

11 And one and the same Spirit worketh all these things [Forsooth all these things one and the same Spirit worketh], parting to each by themselves as he will.

12 For as there is one body, and hath many members, and all the members of the body when those be many [when they be many], be one body, so also Christ.

13 For in one Spirit all we be baptized into one body, either Jews, either heathen, either servants, either free; and all we be filled with drink in one Spirit. [And soothly in one Spirit all we be baptized into one body, either Jews, or heathen, or servants, or free; and all we have drunk in one Spirit.]

14 For the body is not one member, but many.

15 If the foot shall say, For I am not the hand, I am not of the body; not therefore it is not of the body [not therefore is it not of the body(?)].

16 And if the ear saith [And if the ear shall say], For I am not the eye, I am not of the body; not therefore it is not of the body [not therefore is it not of the body(?)].

17 If all the body is the eye [If all the body were the eye], where is [the] hearing? and if all the body is hearing, where is [the] smelling?

18 But now God hath set members, and each of them in the body, as he would.

19 And if all were one member, where were the body?

20 But now there be many members, but one body.

21 And the eye may not say to the hand [Forsooth the eye shall not be able to say to the hand], I have no need to thy works; or again the head to the feet, Ye be not necessary to me.

22 But much more those that be seen to be the lower members of the body [But much more those that be seen to be more sick, or lower, members of the body], be more needful;

23 and those that we guess to be the unworthier members of the body, to them we give more honour; and those members that be unseemly, have more seemliness.[b]

24 For our seemly members have need of none; but God tempered the body, giving more honour to it, to whom it failed, [Forsooth our honest members of none have need; but God tempered the body, giving more worship to it, to whom it failed,]

25 that debate be not in the body, but that the members be busy into the same thing each for other [but that the members be busy into the same thing for each other].

26 And if one member suffereth any thing [And if one member suffer any thing], all members suffer therewith; either if one member joyeth [either if one member glorieth], all members joy together.

27 And ye be the body of Christ, and members of member. [Forsooth ye be the body of Christ, and members of members.]

28 But God set some men in the church, first apostles, the second time prophets [And soothly God put some in the church, first apostles, the second prophets], the third teachers, afterward works of power, afterward graces of healings, helpings, governings, kinds of languages, interpretations of words.

29 Whether all [be] apostles? whether all [be] prophets? Whether all teachers? whether all works of power?

30 whether all have grace of healings? whether all speak with languages? whether all expound [whether all interpret, or expound]?

31 But follow ye the better ghostly gifts. And yet I show to you a more excellent way.

13 If I speak with tongues of men and of angels, and I have not charity, I am made as brass sounding, or a cymbal tinkling.

And if I have prophecy, and know all mysteries, and all knowing [and all knowing, or science], and if I have all faith, so that I move hills from their place [so that I bear over hills from one place to another], and I have not charity, I am nought.

And if I part all my goods into the meats of poor men, and if I betake my body, so that I burn, and if I have not charity, it profiteth to me nothing.

Charity is patient, it is benign; charity envieth not, it doeth not wickedly, it is not blown [it is not in-blown with pride],

it is not covetous [of worships], it seeketh not those things that be his own [it seeketh not those things that be her own], it is not stirred to wrath, it thinketh not evil,

it joyeth not on wickedness, but it joyeth together to truth; [it joyeth not in wickedness, forsooth it joyeth together with truth;]

it suffereth all things, it believeth all things, it hopeth all things, it sustaineth all things.

Charity falleth never down, whether prophecies shall be voided, either languages shall cease, either science shall be destroyed [whether prophecies shall be voided, or languages shall cease, or science shall be destroyed].

For a part we know, and a part we prophesy; [For of part we know, and of part we prophesy;]

10 but when that shall come that is perfect, that thing that is of part shall be voided.

11 When I was a little child, I spake as a little child, I understood as a little child, I thought as a little child; but when I was made a man, I voided those things that were of a little child.

12 And we see now [Forsooth we see now] by a mirror in darkness, but then face to face; now I know of part, but then I shall know, as [and] I am known.

13 And now dwelleth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the most of these is charity.

14 Follow ye charity, love ye spiritual things, but more that ye prophesy.

And he that speaketh in tongue, speaketh not to men, but to God; for no man heareth. But the Spirit speaketh mysteries.

For he that prophesieth, speaketh to men to edification, and admonishing, and comforting.

He that speaketh in tongue, edifieth himself; but he that prophesieth, edifieth the church of God.

And I will, that all ye speak in tongues, but more that ye prophesy. For he that prophesieth, is more than he that speaketh in languages; but peradventure he expound, that the church take edification.[c]

But now, brethren, if I come to you, and speak in tongues, what shall I profit to you, but if I speak to you either in revelation, either in science, either in prophecy, either in teaching?[d]

For those things that be without soul, and giveth voices, either pipe, either harp, but those give distinction of soundings, how shall it be known that that is sung, either that that is trumpeted.[e]

For if a trumpet give an uncertain sound [For why if the trump give uncertain voice], who shall make himself ready to battle?

So [and] but ye give an open word by tongue, how shall that that is said be known? For ye shall be speaking in vain[f].

10 There be many kinds of languages in this world, and nothing is without voice. [as so many kinds of tongues, or languages, be in this world, and nothing is without voice.]

11 But if I know not the virtue of a voice [Therefore if I know not the virtue of voice], I shall be to him, to whom I shall speak, a barbaric; and he that speaketh to me, shall be a barbaric.

12 So ye, for ye be lovers of spirits, seek ye that ye be plenteous to edification of the church.[g]

13 And therefore he that speaketh in language, pray, that he expound. [And therefore he that speaketh in tongue, pray, that he interpret, or expound.]

14 For if I pray in tongue, my spirit prayeth; mine understanding is without fruit. [For why if I pray in tongue, my spirit prayeth; forsooth my mind, or reason, is without fruit.]

15 What then? I shall pray in spirit, I shall pray [and] in mind; I shall say psalm in spirit, I shall say psalm also in mind.

16 For if thou blessest in spirit, who filleth the place of an unlearned man, how shall he say Amen on thy blessing, for he knoweth not, what thou sayest?[h]

17 For thou [soothly] doest well thankings, but another man is not edified. [For why thou soothly doest well graces, or thankings, but another is not edified.]

18 I thank my God, for I speak in the language of all you; [I do graces to my God, for I speak in the tongue of all you;]

19 but in the church I will speak five words in my wit, that also I teach other men, than ten thousand words in tongue [than ten thousands of words in tongue not understood].

20 Brethren, do not ye be made children in wits, but in malice be ye children; but in wits be ye perfect.

21 For in the law it is written, That in other tongues and other lips I shall speak to this people, and neither so they shall hear me, saith the Lord.

22 Therefore languages be into token, not to faithful men, but to men out of the faith; but prophecies be not to men out of the faith, but to faithful men.

23 Therefore if all the church come together into one, and all men speak in tongues, if unlearned men, either men out of the faith enter, whether they shall not say [soothly if idiots enter, or men out of the faith, whether they say not], What be ye mad?

24 But if all men prophesy, if any unfaithful man or unlearned man enter [Forsooth if all men prophecy, forsooth if any unfaithful man or idiot enter], he is convicted of all, he is wisely deemed of all.

25 For the hid things of his heart be known, and so he shall fall down on the face, and shall worship God[i], and show verily that God is in you.

26 What then, brethren? When ye come together, each of you hath a psalm, he hath teaching, he hath apocalypse, he hath tongue, he hath expounding; all things be they done to edification. [Therefore, brethren, what is? When ye come together, each of you hath a psalm, he hath teaching, he hath apocalypse, or revelation, he hath tongue, he hath interpreting, or expounding; be all things done to edification.]

27 Whether a man speaketh in tongue, by two men, either three at the most[j], and by parts, that one interpret.

28 But if there be not an interpreter, be he still in the church, and speak he to himself and to God.

29 Prophets twain or three say [Soothly prophets two or three say], and others wisely deem.

30 But if any thing be showed to a sitter, the former be still. [That if any thing shall be showed to one sitting, be the former still.]

31 For ye may all prophesy [For ye be able to prophesy all], each by himself, that all men learn, and all admonish.

32 And the spirits of prophets be subject to prophets;

33 for why God is not of dissension, but of peace; as I teach in all churches of holy men.

34 Women in churches be still; for it is not suffered to them to speak, but to be subject, as the law saith.

35 But if they will any thing learn, ask they their husbands at home; for it is foul thing to a woman to speak in the church.

36 Whether the word of God came forth of you, or to you alone it came?

37 If any man is seen to be a prophet, or spiritual, know he those things that I write to you, for those be the commandments of the Lord [know he the things that I write to you, for they be the commandments of the Lord].

38 And if any man not knoweth [Forsooth if any man unknoweth], he shall be unknowing.

39 Therefore, brethren, love ye to prophesy, and do not ye forbid to speak in tongues.

40 But be all things done seemly [Forsooth be all things done honestly], and by due order in you.

15 Soothly, brethren, I make the gospel known to you, which I have preached to you, which also ye have taken, in which [and] ye stand,

by which also ye shall be saved [by which and ye be saved]; by which reason I have preached to you, if ye hold, if ye have not believed idly.

For I betook to you at the beginning that thing which also I have received; that Christ was dead for our sins, by the scriptures;[k]

and that he was buried, and that he rose again in the third day, after [the] scriptures;

and that he was seen to Cephas, and after these things to eleven;

afterward he was seen to more than five hundred brethren together, of which many live yet, but some be dead[l];

afterward he was seen to James, and afterward to all the apostles.

And last of all he was seen also to me, as to a dead born child [as to a mis-born child].

For I am the least of the apostles, that am not worthy to be called apostle, for I pursued the church of God.

10 But by the grace of God I am that thing that I am; and his grace was not void in me [and his grace was not void, or idle, in me]. For I travailed more plenteously than all they [But I travailed more plenteously than all they]; but not I, but the grace of God with me.

11 But whether I, or they, so we have preached, and so ye have believed.

12 And if Christ is preached, that he rose again from death [from dead], how say some men among you [how say some in you], that the again-rising of dead men is not?

13 And if the again-rising of dead men is not, neither Christ rose again from death [neither Christ rose again].

14 And if Christ rose not, our preaching is vain, our faith is vain.

15 [Forsooth] And we be found false witnesses of God, for we have said witnessing against God, that he raised Christ, whom he raised not, if dead men rise not again.

16 For why if dead men rise not again, neither Christ rose again;

17 and if Christ rose not again, our faith is vain; and yet ye be in your sins.

18 And then they that have died in Christ, have perished. [Therefore and they that slept, or died, in Christ, have perished.]

19 If in this life only we be hoping in Christ, we be more wretches than all men.

20 But now Christ hath risen again from death, the first fruit of dead men; [Now forsooth Christ rose again, from dead, the first fruits of sleeping men;]

21 for death was by a man, and by a man is again-rising from death. [for soothly by a man death, and by a man again-rising of dead.]

22 And as in Adam all men die, so [and] in Christ all men shall be quickened.

23 But each man in his order; the first fruit, Christ [first fruits, Christ], afterward they that be of Christ, that believed in the coming of Christ;

24 afterward an end, when he shall betake the kingdom to God and to the Father, when he shall void all princehood, and power, and virtue.

25 But it behooveth him to reign, till he put all his enemies under his feet.

26 And at the last, death the enemy shall be destroyed; [Forsooth at the last, the enemy death shall be destroyed;]

27 for he hath made subject all things under his feet. And when he saith, all things be subject to him, without doubt except him that subjected all things to him.

28 And when all things [shall] be subjected to him, then the Son himself shall be subject to him, that made all things subject to him [that subjected all things to him], that God be all things in all things.

29 Else what shall they do, that be baptized for dead men, if in no wise dead men rise again [if in all manner dead men rise not again]? whereto [also] be they baptized for them?

30 And whereto be we in peril every hour?

31 Each day I die for your glory, brethren, which glory I have in Christ Jesus our Lord.

32 If after man I have fought to beasts at Ephesus [If after man I have fought to beasts, or against beasts, at Ephesus], what profiteth it to me, if dead men rise not again? Eat we, and drink we, for we shall die to morrow [Eat we, and drink we, to morrow forsooth we shall die].

33 Do not ye be deceived; for evil speeches destroy good conduct. [Do not ye be deceived; forsooth evil speeches corrupt, or destroy, good conduct, or virtues.]

34 Awake ye, just men, and do not ye do sin; for some men have ignorance of God, but to reverence I speak to you. [Wake ye, just, and do not ye sin; forsooth some have ignorance of God, to reverence I speak to you.]

35 But some man saith, How shall dead men rise again, or in what manner body shall they come?

36 [O!] unwise man, that thing that thou sowest, is not quickened, but it die first;

37 and that thing that thou sowest, thou sowest not the body that is to come, but a naked corn, as of wheat, or of some other seeds;

38 and God giveth to it a body, as he will, and to each of seeds a proper body.

39 Not each flesh is the same flesh, but one is of men, another is of beasts, another is of birds, another is of fishes.

40 And there be heavenly bodies, and there be earthly bodies [and earthly bodies]; but one glory is of heavenly bodies, and another is of earthly [bodies].

41 Another clearness is of the sun, another clearness is of the moon, and another clearness is of the stars; and a star diverseth from a star in clearness [forsooth a star diverseth from a star in clearness].

42 And so the again-rising of dead men. It is sown in corruption, it shall rise in uncorruption;

43 it is sown in unnobleness [it is sown in unnobility], it shall rise in glory; it is sown in infirmity, it shall rise in virtue;

44 it is sown a beastly body, it shall rise a spiritual body. If there is a beastly body, there is also a spiritual body;

45 as it is written, The first man Adam was made into a soul living, the last Adam into a spirit quickening.

46 But the first is not that that is spiritual [But not first was that body that is spiritual], but that that is beast-like, afterward that that is spiritual.

47 The first man of earth is earthly; the second man of heaven is heavenly [the second man of heaven is heaven-like].

48 Such as the earthly man is, such be [and] the earthly men; and such as the heavenly man is, such be also the heavenly men.

49 Therefore as we have borne the image of the earthly man, bear we also the image of the heavenly man [bear we and the image of the heavenly].

50 Brethren, I say this thing, that flesh and blood be not able to wield the kingdom of God, neither corruption shall wield uncorruption. [Brethren, I say this thing, that flesh and blood may not wield the kingdom of God, neither corruption shall wield incorruption.]

51 Lo! I say to you private of holy things [Lo! I say to you mystery, or private, of holy things]. And all we shall rise again, but not all we shall be changed;

52 in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, in the last trump; for the trumpet shall sound, and dead men shall rise again, without corruption [forsooth the trump shall sing, and dead men shall rise again, incorrupt], and we shall be changed.

53 For it behooveth this corruptible thing to clothe uncorruption, and this deadly thing to put away undeadliness. [For it behooveth this corruptible thing for to clothe incorruption, and this deadly thing for to cloth undeadliness.]

54 But when this deadly thing shall clothe undeadliness, then shall the word be done, that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory[m].

55 Death, where is thy victory? Death, where is thy prick?

56 But the prick of death is sin; and the virtue of sin is the law.

57 But do we thankings to God [Forsooth thankings to God], that gave to us victory by our Lord Jesus Christ.

58 Therefore, my dear-worthy brethren, be ye steadfast, and unmoveable, being plenteous in work of the Lord, evermore witting that your travail is not idle in the Lord.

16 But of the gathering of money that be made into saints [Forsooth of the collects, or gatherings of money, that be made into saints], as I have ordained in the churches of Galatia, so also do ye

one day of the week. Each of you keep at himself [Each of you keep, or lay up, at himself], keeping that that pleaseth to him(self), that when I come, the gatherings be not made.

And when I shall be present, which men ye approve, I shall send them by epistles to bear your grace into Jerusalem. [Forsooth when I shall be present, whom ye shall prove by epistles, them I shall send to perfectly bear your grace into Jerusalem.]

That if it be worthy that also I go, they shall go with me.

But I shall come to you, when I shall pass by Macedonia; for why I shall pass by Macedonia.

But peradventure I shall dwell at you, or also dwell the winter, that ye lead me whither ever I shall go.

And I will not now see you in my passing [Soothly I will not now see you in passing], for I hope to dwell with you a while, if the Lord shall suffer.

But I shall dwell at Ephesus, unto Whitsuntide [till Whitsuntide].

For a great door and an open is opened to me [For why a great door and evident, or open, is opened to me], and many adversaries.

10 And if Timothy come, see ye that he be without dread with you, for he worketh the work of the Lord, as [and] I.

11 Therefore no man despise him; but lead him forth in peace, that he come to me; for I abide him with brethren.

12 But, brethren, I make known to you of Apollos, that I prayed him much, that he should come to you, with brethren. But it was not his will to come now; but he shall come, when he shall have leisure.

13 Walk ye, and stand ye in the faith; do ye manly, and be ye comforted in the Lord, [Wake ye, and stand ye in the faith; do ye manly, and be comforted in the Lord,]

14 and be all your things done in charity.

15 And, brethren, I beseech you, ye know the house of Stephanas, and of Fortunatus, and Achaicus, for they be the first fruits of Achaia, and into ministry of saints they have ordained themselves;

16 that also ye be subjects to such, and to each working together and travailing.

17 For I have joy in the presence of Stephanas, and Fortunatus, and Achaicus; for they filled that thing that failed to you [for they full-filled that thing that failed to you];

18 for they have refreshed both my spirit and yours. Therefore know ye them, that be such manner men.

19 All the churches of Asia greet you well. Aquila and Priscilla, with their home-church, greet you much in the Lord, at the which also I am harboured [Aquila and Priscilla greet you much in the Lord, at whom I am harboured, with their home-church].

20 All brethren greet you well. Greet ye well together in holy kiss.

21 My greeting by Paul's hand.

22 If any man loveth not our Lord Jesus Christ, be he cursed, Maranatha. [If any man love not our Lord Jesus Christ, be he cursed, Maranatha, that is, in the coming of the Lord.]

23 The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.

24 My charity be with you all in Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen.


  1. 1 Corinthians 12:9 grace of healths/grace of heals
  2. 1 Corinthians 12:23 and to them that we guess to be unnobler members of the body, we give more honour about; and those members that be unhonest, have more honesty.
  3. 1 Corinthians 14:5 Forsooth I will you all to speak in tongues, but more that ye prophesy. For why he that prophesieth, is more than he that speaketh with tongues, or languages; but peradventure he interpret, or declare, that the church take edification.
  4. 1 Corinthians 14:6 Now forsooth, brethren, if I come to you, speaking with tongues, what shall I profit/what shall it profit to you, but if I shall speak to you either in revelation, or in science, or in prophecy, or in teaching?
  5. 1 Corinthians 14:7 Nevertheless those things that be without soul, or life, giving voices, either pipe, or harp, but if they shall give distinction of soundings, how shall it be known, that is sung, or that that is harped.
  6. 1 Corinthians 14:9 For ye shall be speaking in the air/Soothly ye shall be speaking into the airs, or firmament,
  7. 1 Corinthians 14:12 So and ye, for ye be lovers of spirits, that is, of ghostly gifts, to the edification of the church seek that ye be plenteous.
  8. 1 Corinthians 14:16 For why if thou shalt bless in spirit, who filleth the place of an idiot, or unlearned man, how shall he say Amen upon thy blessing, for he knoweth not, what thou sayest?
  9. 1 Corinthians 14:25 and so he falling down on the face, shall worship God
  10. 1 Corinthians 14:27 Whether a man speak in tongue, be this done by two men/after two, or as much three
  11. 1 Corinthians 15:3 For I betook to you in the first that thing which also I took; that Christ was dead for our sins, after the scriptures;
  12. 1 Corinthians 15:6 of which many dwell till to yet/dwell to now, forsooth some have slept, or died
  13. 1 Corinthians 15:54 then shall be made, or fulfilled, the word that is written, Death is sopped up in victory