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13 Jesus Appears to Two Disciples at Emmaus.[a] Now that same day two of them were on their way to a village called Emmaus, about seven miles from Jerusalem, 14 and they were talking with each other about all these things that had occurred. 15 While they were conversing and discussing these events, Jesus himself drew near and walked along with them,

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  1. Luke 24:13 Since Friday nothing has taken place; God has not intervened. These two followers of Jesus are overwhelmed by the catastrophe and wounded in their hopes. A stranger overtakes them and seems indifferent to what has taken place. Indeed, he even knows how to explain its meaning. But a shared meal suffices for them to recognize Jesus in the breaking of the bread.
    This is an astonishing lesson about the design of God and the meaning of the cross. The entire history of the people of God teaches us that suffering is a source of life and death is a passage to a resurrection. Christ, in whom the whole history of humanity is recapitulated, could follow no other road in order to open the entrance to the kingdom of his Father. This wonderful account of the disciples at Emmaus always teaches us the paths of faith and how everything is decided in the encounter with Christ, in the acceptance of his Word, in the acknowledgment of his presence. He no longer sojourns among us under earthly conditions: the essential thing is to live his Word and partake in his Eucharist.